Teen Empowerment Brings Awareness to Mental Health

Teen Empowerment message: You Matter

New to Apollo High School this year is a Teen Empowerment group based on Erika’s Lighthouse, a program with resources for schools to provide mental health information via classroom instruction, peer-led group activities, staff development and community connections. Teen empowerment has also rolled out to North and South Junior High Schools and Katherine Johnson Education … Read more

New Rotary Interact Club Bridges Students to the Community

A new Interact Club, first established at Apollo High School and including students from Tech High School, is in its pilot year in St. Cloud Area School District. It has grown exponentially over the summer, thanks to students spreading the word about how much fun it is, and has succeeded in bringing the two schools … Read more

McKinley Community Learning Fridays A Hit

Smith sewing

This year, Community Learning Fridays are a new addition to McKinley-ALC thanks to Principal William (Bill) Sininger. His implementation of Community Learning Fridays gives students the opportunity to learn and use skills not typically found in the classroom while engaging with community partners. So far, Sininger considers the program a success, and both students and … Read more

A New BIG Partnership

St. Cloud Area School District 742 is excited to announce a new partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters and Granite Partners. Coined BIG Partners, (Big Brothers Big Sisters, ISD 742 and Granite Partners) the highly focused mentoring program fosters resilience and encourages intentional collaboration across experiences, strengthening educational, college and career opportunities for students facing … Read more

Eagle Time Brings North Staff and Students Together

Running during Eagle Time

This year, North Junior High School is excited to implement a new student engagement program called Eagle Time. The idea for Eagle Time came from school leadership studying trends on how students lose their focus and feel less engaged in the afternoon as opposed to mornings. Eagle Time scheduled in the middle of the day … Read more