Celebrating 10 Years of Digital Learning

Digital Learning group

Digital learning has always been something school districts like St. Cloud Area School District 742 has encouraged and talked about – its importance and how it will educate and prepare students for the 21st century work force. However, in the last year, digital learning has become the mainstream model of education in most schools due … Read more

Alumni Success Story: Carrie Richards

Richards at Fashion Week

The road to success for Carrie Richards, a 1993 Area Learning Center* student and Apollo High School graduate, began in high school but did not follow a traditional path. Richards recognized in tenth grade she needed something different academically than what she experienced at Apollo, and she felt the alternative school [ALC] was the answer. It … Read more

Staff Spotlight: Summer (Chengying) Yang-Farmerie

Summer Yang-Farmerie

Becoming a kindergarten Chinese immersion teacher at Madison Elementary School was the furthest thing from Summer Yang-Farmerie’s mind while growing up in China. Yang-Farmerie grew up in western China and began learning English in middle school, but she never dreamed she’d be teaching her native language as an adult. “When I went to college,” says … Read more

Introducing Pathways Coordinator Alisha Lacina

Lacina and her family

As part of its mission, St. Cloud Area School District prepares and empowers students to lead a successful life. That mission expands this year at Apollo High School with a new career and college pathways coordinator, Alisha Lacina. It’s her job to assist freshmen and sophomores to prepare for life after high school, and she’s … Read more

Distance Learning Academy in Virtual Motion

Distance Learning student

During this global pandemic, education nationwide has been re-envisioned and recreated. The summer of 2020 became a period of focused planning for St. Cloud Area School District 742 administrators and educators who learned from the sudden shift to online learning the previous spring. They sourced the good outcomes of the spring’s experiences and built upon … Read more