Mentors and Partners Shape Student Success

Huff speaks to Riley about her remarkable characteristics.

The path to a successful future is rarely defined by one narrow road but instead includes many, perhaps even a few detours. Along the way, we sometimes look back on our lives and ask, “What really shaped me? What had an impact in my life?” For Dr. Sylvia Huff, director of research, assessments and grants … Read more

Co-Teaching: A Path to Student Success

Mary Peters and Emma Olesen co-teaching in the classroom.

Students in Mary Peters’ third-grade class are learning math patterns and eagerly raising their hands to identify them reflected on the smart board at Discovery Community School. Next walks in co-teacher, Emma Olesen, and the lesson switches to language arts. Co-teachers Mary Peters and Emma Olesen sit in front of the class to gear up … Read more

Making a Difference in Haiti

One of the key qualities of being a National Honor Society member is community involvement. For Apollo High School’s Cole Stroot and Olivia Skudlarek, there is no shortage of caring and heart for those in need. Stroot’s family has been connected with Haitians for many years. His family sponsored two children several years ago, and … Read more

Writing Partners Become Friends

St. Cloud and Annandale fifth-grade students.

“Let’s find our partners!” calls out Discovery Community School fifth-grade teacher, Pamela Holubetz. The day has finally come when they get to meet their writing partners from Annandale face-to-face. Fifth-grade students from both schools have been working together in Google Presentations on a “get to know you” project since the beginning of the school year. The … Read more

Celebrating A Decade of Language Immersion

It has been one amazing decade of language immersion programming in St. Cloud Area School District 742, and immersion high school students are now masters in Chinese or Spanish. The program is described as a “little miracle” by language immersion and world language coordinator Sue Linn-Hasbrouck. Linn-Hasbrouck has witnessed firsthand the years of work and effort … Read more