Staff Spotlight: Mohamed Mohamud

Mohmud receives the Frank Newman Civic Fellowship at SCSU

Mohamed Mohamud, educational equity outreach coordinator for St. Cloud Area School District 742 has traveled far, both in life and his educational journey. Born in Somalia, his family fled during civil unrest to Cape Town, South Africa where he was raised. At 15, he immigrated to the United States where he attended Minneapolis South High … Read more

Staff Spotlight: Ellen Stewart

Stewart and First Lady Obama

Ellen Stewart, director of equity services for St. Cloud Area School District, has a story she likes to tell about being a child in North Minneapolis. For as far back as she can remember, she taught school in her backyard for the neighborhood kids. Every day, she’d line up lawn chairs and teach all day long … Read more

Community Problem Solvers Tackle Vaping

CmPS meets with Gov. Walz and Comm. Malcolm

Concerned about the health hazards of vaping, North Junior High and Apollo High School students, Fatuma Hassan, Nathan Nichelson and Quynn Meister have worked two years on Don’t Juul, It’s Not Cuul!!!, their Community Problem Solving (CmPS) project, an anti-vaping campaign with resources, curriculum and marketing ideas. CmPS encourages students to become “agents of change in … Read more

Retired Teacher Publishes Book on Apollo High School

Larry Severt

Retired Apollo teacher and counselor, Larry Severt, looks back on his years at Apollo High School as an inspiring and innovative time. He was one of the initial teachers at Apollo’s opening in 1970. Then as he and his colleagues approached their own retirement, he wanted to reflect on and capture those years. One by … Read more

Staff Spotlight: Sara Gangle

Officer Gangle

Sara Gangle, St. Cloud police officer and school resource officer for North Junior High School, Madison Elementary School and Lincoln Elementary School, did not originally plan for a career in law enforcement. Instead, she earned her degree in community psychology and chemical dependency. Gangle worked in a psychiatric unit in South Dakota for a year … Read more