I AM 742: Grace Weitz

Grace Weitz

Some things are serendipitous. The same can be said for Grace Weitz, an instructional paraprofessional at North Junior High School, when she was looking for a new job. She’d already been in several industries, but none of them really spoke to her. On a whim, she decided to attend one of St. Cloud Area School District’s … Read more

I AM 742: Fiona Lee

Fiona Lee

This Tech High School senior, Fiona Lee, is ready to go anywhere after graduation. “Anywhere in Africa, Asia or South America– places where people would be too scared to go. That’s where I want to go.” Lee grew up in Brainerd, Minnesota. She describes her childhood as being “not very diverse.” When she moved to the … Read more

Top 7 Tips For Testing

A quiet study area.

It’s that time of year. The academic year is winding down and teachers are prepping their students for testing whether it is standardized tests, finals or college prep. To further prepare, the learning and teaching department of St. Cloud Area School District have put together some helpful tips for parents and students. Share enthusiasm for … Read more

A Legacy for Leech Lake

Students build dog houses.

What do you do with leftover construction materials? Build dog houses, of course! Students in Sara Laudenbach’s Project Lead the Way (PLTW) course at North Junior High School built sheds last spring for their service learning project. They built one shed for the school and will now sell additional sheds to help buy supplies for future … Read more

District Youth Strike a Chord

One singer sings her heart out.

Do-re-mi and la-la-la have new meaning in District 742 this year. St. Cloud Area School District, through its community education program, started the 742 Youth Choir, an audition-based choir for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade. “It [youth choir] was really a perfect storm,” explains Stephanie Peterson, licensed coordinator of social studies and arts in 742. “I knew … Read more