Alumni Success Story: Jerri Zhang

Probate Commissioner Jerri Zhang

For 2002 Apollo grad, Jerri Zhang, writing and reporting quickly turned into a passion for the law. Zhang attended the University of Missouri-Columbia for both her undergraduate and law degrees, earning a Bachelor of Journalism degree in 2006 and a Juris Doctor in 2009. It was during her work in journalism that a professor pulled her … Read more

Tech Savvy Kids? Remember Digital Safety

Student using an iPad.

By Ryan Cox and Carissa Hopkins-Hoel In today’s ever-changing world, students have access to resources for learning that were once only imagined in science fiction. Innovative tools and instruction are connecting students, allowing them to create and share their learning, and providing a never-ending list of resources for learning.   With such access, also comes a need … Read more

Alumni Success Story: Terin (Euerle) Sytsma

Terin (Euerle) Sytsma

For 2007 Tech graduate, Dr. Terin (Euerle) Sytsma, medical education is what it’s all about. And the Mayo Clinic couldn’t be a better place to teach and learn about it. Long before working at Mayo, Sytsma began career planning while in high school. In fact, it was during her college and career preparation at Tech … Read more

iNSPIRING the Future with Technology

By Ryan Cox and Carissa Hopkins-Hoel This fall, students at North and South Junior High Schools and Kennedy Community School, as well as Apollo and Tech High Schools, will once again have access to interactive learning in a digital environment as part of the iNSPIRE program. The program’s name, selected by various stakeholders including parents … Read more

Apollo Swim Team Dives Into History

Apollo Swim Team cheering their teammate on.

When it comes to making strides in the classroom, Apollo English Learner instructor, Alex Badger, knows how to make it happen. As a first-year Apollo swim coach, she is similarly shaping this year’s girls’ team with one goal in mind: to reflect the strengths and diversity of Apollo High School. Determined to break through barriers … Read more