Amanda Keena Tackles Football

Amanda Keena

There is not much argument that football is a male-dominated sport, but Tech High School sophomore Amanda Keena hopes to change that. Keena is one of only a few girls to ever make the Tech Tiger football team. She recognizes that other girls have played before her; however, she’s unaware of any other girl who … Read more

Alumni Success Story: Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams coaching basketball

The most valuable lesson Jonathan Williams, 2003 Apollo High School graduate, learned in high school was to give back. Although a shining star on the basketball court, Williams had little direction where he wanted to go in life. It was his basketball coach, Dean Kesler, who guided him and helped put meaning in his life. … Read more

Capturing the Action From the Sidelines

Jason Soria on the sidelines

Where the action is, according to Apollo High School junior, Jason Soria, is the sidelines of just about any high school sport. He can feel his heart beat and is completely in the moment. His happiest times are right there behind the lens of a camera taking as many shots as he can. “I’ve always … Read more

Staff Spotlight: Natalie Ratha

Natalie Ratha

Some jobs are trial by fire. Yet for St. Cloud Area School District‘s new Supervisor of Transportation Natalie Ratha, there was no hesitation to seize the opportunity and begin at full speed despite the national headlines about bus driver shortages. Ratha has been driving, operating and managing bus routes since her girls were young, and … Read more

Sixth Grade Tries the Sports Sampler Program

Students practice hitting the ball.

The first year of middle school is always a big step. Students are exposed to many new interests, and they often want to experience several. Now at St. Cloud Area School District 742, sixth grade students will have the exciting opportunity to try many different sports through a new Sports Sampler Program. “The reason why … Read more