Morning Mile Helps Students Focus

Clearview students walking laps in the morning.

Fall is in the air. George Bienusa, physical education teacher, doesn’t mind the crisp bite of the air. Mornings at Clearview Elementary School are both chilly and bright as students walk 20 minutes outside every morning before school starts. They get a jump start on the day through their new grant program, “Morning Mile.” Last year, … Read more

I AM 742: The Road to Teaching

Anisa Hagi-Mohamed and her daughter.

Her journey home has been a long one. It began in Somalia with her parents and six siblings. She does not have many memories of that early life, but remembers life was good until civil war broke out when she was three years old. Her parents fled with their family to a refugee camp in … Read more

I AM 742: Stephanie Peterson

Stephanie Peterson with husband Jeff

What’s your superpower? In addition to her talent for teaching, Social Studies and Art Coordinator Stephanie Peterson loves to cook. If you visit her office, you may be lucky enough to taste one of her amazing snacks. Today, it was macaroons and roasted rosemary nuts. Peterson, an 11-year veteran of District 742, is known for her … Read more

McKinley Creates Community

McKinley staff serve up barbeque for neighbors.

Neighbors look forward to it every year: the smell of sweet, smoky barbeque and music pulling at their senses. It’s the last chance before the cold of Minnesota winter sets in to ward off any impending cabin fever. McKinley-Alternative Learning Center’s annual barbeque is a welcome opportunity to reacquaint neighbors with the students who attend the … Read more

A Place to Call Home

Original Roosevelt Education Center

When the rain began, it was like any other summer storm. The cool air was a welcome break from the oppressive heat and humidity. Most families were already tucked in for the evening. It was the night before Father’s Day. The storm became fierce. Thunder rumbled through the sky and lightning struck–its target random. Alarms sounded … Read more