What’s It Like: Parents in Action

Principal Jean Clark

Several months ago, I wrote a blog on the Parents in Action graduation at St. Cloud Area School District. Sitting through the graduation, I was intrigued listening to program testimonies and personal stories of previous graduates as well as seeing how excited students were for their parents to graduate. I wanted to know more. I decided … Read more

Gaming for Fun and Funds

Save My Dragon crew

Today’s kids love to play games on mobile devices. What better way to get kids engaged in creative, artistic, technology-based learning than to design an app and then sell it on iTunes as a fundraiser for the school? That is just what South Junior High School did. Bruce Klemz, a local college professor, loves to give … Read more

Bonjour! Welcome to Foreign Language

Concordia Camp

Bonjour! Guten tag! Hola! There are several different ways to say hello down the 600 hallway of Apollo High School. Posters align the hallways giving students a feeling of walking into another world at Apollo. Amanda Bailey teaches French at both Apollo and Tech High School. She loves all things French! Every flag hanging in her room … Read more

What’s It Like: Teaching Talent Development

Talent Development Heather Ebnet

I wonder . . . Heather Ebnet, a District 742 teacher on special assignment for the Young Scholars program, has an entire wall of post-its filled with “I wonder” statements from her students. She calls it her “wonder wall.” It is this wonder wall that helps to inspire kids to create projects. Students in the … Read more

Discovery Academy: First Responders

Greg Borders is a business education teacher at Tech High School, but he is also a certified emergency medical technician (EMT). Border’s first responder class in the Discovery Academy is about saving lives. The Discovery Academy is just one of the post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO) available in District 742. PSEO allows 10th, 11th and 12th grade students … Read more