Raising Backpacks for Cancer

Moore, Wald and the Blonigens

Kennedy Community School eighth grader, Keara Moore, was intrigued one day when her mother brought home a flyer from a computer shop she’d visited. The flyer asked for donations to create parent essential backpacks for families whose children are diagnosed with cancer. The idea pulled at Moore’s heartstrings. So, like any eighth grade girl, she … Read more

Staff Spotlight: Meet Ryan Unger

Ryan Unger

St. Cloud Area School District’s new Visual Communication Specialist Ryan Unger loves to tinker. He’s been doing it since he received his first toy erector set as a child. Unger loved to tear apart anything, rebuild it and figure out how things worked. It eventually led him to many of his current hobbies and a … Read more

Alumni Success Story: Amanda (Hams) Melby

Amanda Melby

Amanda (Hams) Melby, 1992 Tech High School graduate, grew up around music and theater. Her parents owned Al’s Music store in St. Cloud and her mother was a longtime play director in St. Cloud Area School District. It’s no surprise that Melby found her passion in film. Her latest film, “Raising Buchanan,” has just been … Read more

Tech Sophomore Wins International Essay Contest

Madeleine Prescott

Madeleine Prescott may be a quiet sophomore at Tech High School, but give her pen and paper and she finds her voice! Prescott is the winner of the 2019 Anthem Essay Contest. Prescott began writing stories in first grade. Her first story was about flowers flying away. Upon reflection, she realizes she wrote the story … Read more

Staff Spotlight: Apollo Principal Alicia Fischer

Alicia Fischer

New and upcoming Instagram influencer and Apollo High School principal, Alicia Fischer, knew from an early age she wanted to be in education. “It’s a blessing for me that I’ve always known I wanted to be in education,” says Fischer. “In third grade, I developed a really strong relationship with my teacher, and in sixth … Read more