I AM 742: Julie (Rethmeier) Moyes

Moyes with the 1971 Apollo Yearbook staff

Julie (Rethmeier) Moyes, 1971 graduate of Apollo High School, was in the first graduating class from the new school. It was a stellar year. Opportunities were plentiful. Because new doors were opened, her senior year gave her a zest for adventure that continued the rest of her life. She’s traveled the world, met royalty, presidents, … Read more

We Are 742 Champions!

Many in the St. Cloud Area know Tech High School graduate and Olympian Alise Post for her international fame in BMX racing. Rising quickly at a young age in her shadow, however, are two brothers, Lucas and Jacob Theisen from Oak Hill Community School. They’ve been hitting the BMX circuit by storm, nationally and now internationally. … Read more

I AM 742: Willow Schuller

Willow Schuller

Willow Schuller, Tech High School graduate, is a self-proclaimed girlie-girl. She loves the color pink, and her bedroom is ballet-themed because she loves to dance. She does fashion make-up for a hobby including prop makeup and weddings. One would never guess she’d just been awarded a full-ride scholarship to St. Cloud Technical Community College (SCTCC) … Read more

I AM 742: Janeel Denson-Byers

Guest Written by Apollo Senior Janeel Denson-Byers Today marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. Elementary school, middle school, high school and all the activities in between were stepping stones to this moment. Each moment, each stone is different for every one of us. Our journey to this moment is unique, terrifying, … Read more

Six Tips to Avoid the Summer Slide

Summer slide

And suddenly, here it is. The end of the school year! Students, and even parents, welcome the change in their busy academic schedules and look forward to more free time. Yet, teachers and parents alike worry about the infamous “summer slide” — the academic loss that often takes place over the summer months when students … Read more