Top Ten Study Hacks for Kids

If you’re like most parents, you want to encourage your children to do the best they can, study hard and get great grades. However, what are the best motivators and habits? With all the new technology today’s kids are using, are the techniques the same as 10 or 20 years ago? In doing some research, we’ve found some common threads for the top 10 study hacks for kids.

  1. Put on instrumental music (on low) in the background.  This can enhance their state of relaxation which can allow their brain to focus more on studying.
  2. Change study spaces. The idea is that if you change your study space, you can recall or retain information better because you also remember the environment that you studied it in.
  3. Take notes in class using different colors.  By color coding notes, it helps to create a mind map.  Important people can be red, important places in blue, hard to remember concepts and theories can be yellow.  It makes it easier to go back and review notes.
  4. Online interactive flash cards sites. We love this one! Many of our teachers throughout the district use these types of sites such as Quizlet. The idea is the same as regular flashcards. However it is more appealing when used on an electronic device.

    Electronic learning
    Kids using iPads
  5. Treat or reward yourself. This is the one that can be very creative! Take a small break to rest, eat a piece of candy such as an M&M after completing two pages of reading or after each paragraph.  Check Instagram or Snapchat accounts when a task is complete.
  6. Pretend to take notes for someone else.  If you pretend to do work for someone else, you will do it better because you want it to be legible, comprehensive and encompassing. Why not do that for yourself?
  7. Power snacks. Our bodies and brains use a lot of energy for studying. Keep them fueled. Drink lots of water, eat healthy foods and believe it or not eat peppermint candies. Many people believe peppermint can energize and stimulate the brain.
  8. Study with friends. Sometimes group thinking is more productive than individual thinking.  Discuss topics and quiz each other.
  9. Talk to your teachers. A revolutionary idea! Teachers are so willing to help and love it when students ask them questions. When you engage with teachers, you may find you learn more of the subject and find it just a little more interesting than you thought.

    Jesus Sondoval
    Student working with her teacher.
  10. Get good sleep. Last, but not least.  A good healthy sleep refuels and boosts your energy and brain’s activity.

With these tips in mind, kids can acquire healthy study habits that promote their studying and learning experience.


Berrypinklips. (2015, January 20). Study Hacks! Get Better Grades 2015. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Dani Dearest. (2014, December 7). My Desk: 12 Creative Study Techniques (That Work!). [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Elbells, E [Ella Ebells]. (2015, February 27). Study Tips/Hacks! [Video file]. Retrieved from

Frank, T. [CollegeInfoGeek]. (2015, January 22).  How to Study Effectively: 8 Advanced Tips [Video file] Retrieved from

Frank, T. [CollgeInfoGeek]. (2014, October 14). Studying Well Requires Intellectual Combat. [Video file] Retrieved from

Harrison, M. (2014, April 2). 16 Simple Studying Hacks to Help You Ace Your Next Exam. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Jacobs, P. (2013, December 12). 10 Study Hacks That Will Help You Ace Your Final Exams. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

JENerationDIY. (2015, April 12). 10 DIY Life HAcks for School and Studying EVERY Student Should Know|Study Tips & Organization. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Kirana Growing People. Top 10 Study Hacks. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Lobdell, M. [PierceCollegeDist11]. (2011, July 22). Study Less Study Smart. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Wang, P. (2013, May 5). 17 Unexpected Study Hacks. [Blog post]. Retrieved from


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