Robin Hood With a Twist

Most of you know the story of Robin Hood, but maybe not this version, which includes a Queen of the fairies, gnomes, tutors and a merry band. Westwood Elementary students are showing off their talents with this unique spin on Robin Hood with Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre [PFCT].

Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre is a popular theater company (based in Minnesota) that specializes in bringing theater to kids around the upper midwest. Hosted camps are typically a week long and expose kids to all aspects of a theater production.

This comedy, which boasts 55 students, has a modern day twist. All students audition for a role. Students must stand in front of their peers and PFCT actors and are given a line to recite in a way they feel portrays that line.

“I wanted to try it, but I’m a little skeptical about the singing,” says Juliana Walter, a fifth grade student and a member of the merry band.

Breanne Boucher, who portrays Maid Marian, adds, “I’m in fifth grade and this is my last chance to do it.  I’ve been doing it [PFCT] for a few years now.”

Line memorization
Fifth graders (L to R) Nicole, Juliana and Emily practicing their lines together.

Many students have participated in PFCT camps in the past and have plenty of experience under the belt.  However, even the experienced kids need a little brushing up.

Bryan Farthing, a PFCT actor playing the Sheriff of Nottingham, reminds the students to face the audience. A friendly reminder to “Prince John” as to which set of cheeks needs to face the audience, has the kids rolling in laughter.

The performance delivers caddy jokes and funny California “surfer dude” accents. The students add today’s lingo, popular icons and music to an age old tale.

The threat in this version of “Robin Hood” is the Sheriff of Nottingham wanting to tear down Sherwood Forest to build a mall. However, not if the merry band and forest citizens have anything to do with it.

The fairies work hard to marry, an obviously in love, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Meanwhile, the Sheriff is underhandedly trying to get Prince John to tear down Sherwood Forest and send Maid Marian to France to be privately tutored.

“This is a really great experience for the kids,” says Sara Martini, the media specialist for Westwood Elementary.

Kids are able to experience the production of a play from start to finish: staging, line memorization, voice projection, singing, dancing, blocking, props, costumes and make-up.

Jordyn Worsord, another PFCT actor, says, “The kids have been great this week.  This is one of our harder productions. It’s a lot more line memorization and less singing and dancing. They’ve done great.”

In the end, an experience to treasure, and a memory for many years to come for students and audience members alike. To watch the full performance click HERE.

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