Three New Career and College Academies

Students learning how to take a pulse

Guest Writer: Director of Career and College Pathways Leah Sams St. Cloud Area School District 742 is excited to launch Career and College Academies at our high schools! With the guidance of the Minnesota Department of Education’s career wheel, Career and College Academies are designed to introduce students to a wide selection of career fields. … Read more

Alumni Success Story: Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams coaching basketball

The most valuable lesson Jonathan Williams, 2003 Apollo High School graduate, learned in high school was to give back. Although a shining star on the basketball court, Williams had little direction where he wanted to go in life. It was his basketball coach, Dean Kesler, who guided him and helped put meaning in his life. … Read more

Sixth Grade Tries the Sports Sampler Program

Students practice hitting the ball.

The first year of middle school is always a big step. Students are exposed to many new interests, and they often want to experience several. Now at St. Cloud Area School District 742, sixth grade students will have the exciting opportunity to try many different sports through a new Sports Sampler Program. “The reason why … Read more

Apollo Staff Welcomes Freshmen At Their Own Front Doors

An Apollo staff greets a freshman

If there is one definitive thing to be said about the last school year, it is that staff missed their students. This new school year brings an even greater appreciation for togetherness, and Apollo High School assistant principals Justin Skaalerud and Laura Freese wanted to make it known just how excited they are to be … Read more

Senior Spotlight: Win Koering

Win Koering

Like all 2020-21 seniors, Apollo High School graduate Win Koering didn’t have a typical senior year, but he did everything he could to continue maximizing his high school experience. “[Early in high school] I tried to be as active in the [school] community as I could be,” reflects Koering. “It started by joining soccer and … Read more