All Stars in the Kitchen

Homemade vinaigrette

You won’t hear many kids say their favorite vegetable is a zucchini. You’re probably lucky to hear them say they like vegetables at all! Yet Food and Nutrition students at Tech High School recently learned from two celebrity speakers the advantages to creating meals that are healthy, quick and delicious. Ava Nebben is a 9-year-old girl … Read more

Career and Tech Ed: Printing in a Digital Age

Nahan presentation

It’s a digital age, right? How could a career in printing be plausible? You might be surprised to see how today’s printing has changed behind the scenes in a digital world. Employees from Nahan, a local printing company, recently visited with South Junior High sixth grade students to help promote career and tech ed [CTE] jobs. The St.Cloud Area School … Read more

Robin Hood With a Twist

Robin Hood Production

Most of you know the story of Robin Hood, but maybe not this version, which includes a Queen of the fairies, gnomes, tutors and a merry band. Westwood Elementary students are showing off their talents with this unique spin on Robin Hood with Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre [PFCT]. Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre is a popular theater company … Read more

Hour of Code: Making Coding Simple

Students "pair programming".

Kindergartners at Westwood Elementary are huddled around the smart board, anxiously waiting to hear what Ms. (Angie) Kalthoff is going to say about the Hour of Code. They know they are learning something new, but are not sure what it is. The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching millions of students in over … Read more

Junior Achievement Helps Provide Real-Life Experience

“Hello, I’m Kenny Rivet and I’m the CEO of Tech Apparel,” says Rivet, a senior at Technical High School. Thus begins the pitch of a student loan proposal to local bank representatives by a senior at Technical High School in partnership with Junior Achievement. A total of five students from Greg Border’s General Business class at … Read more